Get an Ex Back – Have Them Wanting to Get You Back

The best way to get an ex back is to have them wanting to get you back.

If you want to get your ex back, you need to find out first, if she feels the same way, what if getting back together with you is the last thing on their mind, well, in that case you might have to learn how to be sneaky.

Many people that were not ready to end a relationship are the ones who try to figure out how to get back an ex, here are some tips for you.

Make it seem like if you are ready to move on, and do not make it obvious that you are trying to get back with your ex, go out, have fun, word will spread out that you are moving on, this might bother them if they are not finding themselves moving on.

If both of you talk to each other, do not tell your ex what you are doing, just let them know that you are happy, and that he/she should be happy as well, this might get them jealous, and that could be one way to get back an ex.

If you think about them every day, they don't need to know that, just give it some time, if you don't, it just might make obvious that you are only interested in getting back together with them, wait a few days or weeks, and then call them to see how things are going, make sure you sound just like an old friend that wants to get in touch, nothing else.

Your ex will be more likely to be drawn to you if you listen and value at what she/he have to say, so when they start talking pay attention and let them talk, you might need them, but let them discover that they need you instead, let them get to a point where they value having you just because you will listen to them.

After you have been able to keep this up and re-develop a friendship they might want to get back together with you, while you may consider yourself pursuing them, you may find yourself being pursued, it is very likely, though, that you won't have to make the first move, it could be they would rather do it themselves, the best way to get an ex back is to have them wanting to get you back.


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