Unhappy Relationship 3 Things You Can Do About It

If you are facing an unhappy relationship, then there are three things you need to do. Firstly, you can do nothing and maintain things just as they are. You will continue on your path of misery, those around you will become miserable, and you will continue along this path until you are in the worst of situations. So why does this situation occur? It is the simplest thing to do. It is easy to not do anything about the situation, and very hard to turn a bad partnership or unhappy relationship around. While it may seem noble, it is a bad decision to try and stay.

Out of the three, the other option which involves staying in the relationship is to fix things. This step requires a full commitment, anything less is as bad, if not worse, than trying to stick things out. This step requires that your partner is also committed in full to repair of the situation. This is the most challenging of the situations, but can lead to the best situation. Any changes made here will be lasting and permanent. If your partner is not committed towards the repair of the unhappy relationship, then all attempts to repair things will fail.

The last possibility is to leave. This is also very hard since people will make excuses in order to stay. Sometimes, however, it is a matter of ending the relationship before things become irreparable. Unhappiness, fighting, depression, and many other factors eventually come out of an unhappy relationship. This will not only bring you and your loved ones great suffering, but it will also negatively affect those around you are well. You have to overcome everything that is holding you back and take that first step towards resolving the matter.

If you need one, you should seek out the aide from a therapist or a coach. Mental hindrances in an unhappy relationship can be taken care of with the help of a therapist. If you need to work strategies for repairing your situation, then you should instead get a coach, someone who will work with you to develop strategies and get the success you need.

An unhappy relationship will mean one of three possibilities. You will either stay or suffer, you will repair things with your ex, or you will move out and move on. Therapists and coaches provide technical support while your family and friends will provide you with the support network you need when you make. All it takes is an effort to do what is right for you and your loved ones.

Show Some Tenderness to Get Lover Back

To get lover back you may have to try a little tenderness if the relationship ended with an explosion. Maybe the end of the marriage or the relationship resulted in a lot of hurt feelings and fights that resulted in some emotional pain. It could be there was something tragic that happened that caused the breakup. There may have been some wrong committed that caused humiliation for either party. Whatever the case, feelings were and probably still are hurt and if you want to get lover back, you will have to work gently and try to help heal the wounds that are there.

To get lover back you may have to take a close look at both yourself and them. There may be some things about you and the way that you are likely to handle the situation that could make matters worse. It could be things that you don't realize. There could also be some things that the one you love are struggling with that may have made them a little fragile. Even though they may not seem like big deals to you, for some reason they are to them.

Before you make any attempts at reconciliation, take a good look at yourself. It may mean that you have to go seek not only relationship advice but trying to get help on finding areas for improvement that you have. You have to be open to criticisms and accept that they may be right. You have to ask someone, “What are the best things for me to work on so that I can get ex back?” Be ready for any reaction you might get. Will it bother you to hear those things? Maybe, but it will do you good and will help you to get lover back. Take the advice seriously and learn to be more sensitive.

Whatever the person you love may be feeling, it is real to them. Understand that they have something that is deeply troubling them and come to them softly and tenderly. When they get upset, don't react. Fighting back or getting emotional won't do anything to help you get ex back. It will only drive you apart. You have to learn how to nurture them and help them heal. You will also have to give them the time and space that they need. The tenderest touch that someone can get isn't physical at all. It comes with a sense that you understand and that you are there for them.

There is a time for knocking some sense into someone but there is also a time for showing some tenderness and compassion. Know when those moments are and try to find the best way to act in them. True love will often require you to act and respond to things that don't seem natural to you. If the relationship is important, you will make those adjustments. Tenderness may not come to you naturally but one way or another, you will probably have to learn how if you want to get lover back.

How To Save Marriage From Disaster

How to save marriage from failing after a disastrous ad catastrophic event has taken place may seem like a hard thing to do, but it can be done. There are many times when something horrible has happened in the life of a couple that the stress ends up being too much to bear. These are times it is important to know how to save marriage.

The need to know how to save marriage can come as a result of something in the marriage or relationship falling apart as the two struggle to deal with what has happened. Many times it happens after the death of a loved one or especially a child. Sometimes it will happen after a wreck. Maybe it was because of some natural disaster or an act of hatred by some unknown entity. It could be because of illness to one of you or anything else that happened that caused your world to fall apart.

There are some very important things that are how to save marriage from ending you need to know. You need to understand that people act and react differently to events. The most obvious is the differences between how men and women typically deal with things. Some people repress feelings while others are more outward and more obvious in their grieving. Understanding this and accepting it will help go a long way in knowing how to save marriage. Don't expect your loved one to react the same way that you do.

Another thing that you need to know is that grief many times rings out the worse in people and negative traits are often exaggerated. Patience is needed in understanding why some very negative changes take place in their personalities. You have to be able to see those changes taking place in yourself. Don't excuse the behavior and don't let harmful behaviors ruin things more but understand what is happening.

In both of the above marriage counseling is needed. Marriage counselors will usually be very adept at helping couples struggling through these times. Whether it is a Christian marriage or any other, there are places and people you can go to that will help you and the one you love get through this.

Here are some suggestions for other things that will help you get through this time:

~ Commit to each other that you are going to get through this together. Be a team fully supporting each other and understanding each other. When one is particularly weak at one point, be thereFind for them and help shoulder the load. Ask that the same be done for you.

~ Grow your support team. Find close friends and family that will help you through this. There is no reason that the two of you should go through this around. Find a network or a group of people who have gone through similar things. There is strength in numbers.

~ Find a reason to laugh again. Watch a silly sitcom on TV or some stupid funny movie. Watch one of those funny home movie shows for some good laughs. Spend time with fun loving people who you have a good time with Laughing will make you feel better and gives you a break from the weight you carry.

When you have suffered greatly, it doesn't mean that the marriage has to come to an end. It can be made stronger if you are serious about finding how to save marriage.

Getting An Ex Back - Get Lover Back In Love

How to Get Lover Back In Love

The time at the beginning when you decide to spend the rest of your life with your partner, and finally form a family are the best and usually the brightest part of the romance, everything seems so new and exciting and there is this anticipation that both parties feel wondering if this is the one, this point in the relationship is usually called the honeymoon period, it just never seems like it last long enough, before too long, if there is something at stake in the romance, one or both of them will be asking how to get lover back in love.

After reality sets in there comes some disappointments and with that comes the realization that this is not as perfect as you had hoped or thought, the ideal relationship that they once thought this was becomes a bit of a disappointment.

For some it takes years before they realize that the flame that had once burned so bright now is but a slowly dying ember, this is usually the point when a lot of marriages or long term relationships will see troubles such as infidelity or possibly a divorce or break up.

For those who are not willing to let that happen, or for those who that has recently happened, the thing that they need to do is get help, get relationship advice from someone who has been there and gotten through it or from someone with ideas that can bring a spark back, ask someone for some help on how to get lover back in love, if you ask how to get lover back in love, you will probably hear some suggestions like increase your communication, take a trip together, or talk about old times.

Communication. It should be one of the most obvious things that you need to do when you want to know how to get lover back to loving you, it doesn't have to be these long, drawn out discussions about what went wrong or something that is bound to bring confrontational feelings out, small talk is good, talk about your day, ask open ended questions about things that will need more than just a quick yes or no answer.

Take a Trip Together. One of the greatest bonding activities is going on a road trip, you could try going somewhere that the two of you used to go early on in the relationship or somewhere brand new, it doesn't matter if it is just a short trip or long one, good can come out of it, it can be a great step towards finding out how to get lover back and the romance alive again.

Talk About the Old Times. It can be a lot of fun to go and take that old drive down memory lane and just ponder all the things that the two of you used to do, go back and visit the places that meant something to you back when things were new and exciting, play an old song or album or movie that had some special meaning to you, make it seem like some random event or something you just thought of.

There are many more things that you could do but one thing that will really help is just breaking up the routine, the key to making these plans work is to make them seem like spontaneous events, make the road trip together random, stumble upon the old music or movie and just start playing it, accidentally open a box that has some old memorabilia that will spark a conversation about the old times, the key to finding out how to get lover back and in love comes with setting things in place for the two of you to fall in love again.

I Still Love My Ex Help Getting My Ex Back

If you often find yourself thinking about your ex, and there is no doubt that you still have feelings for your ex, then you need to figure out what you want to happen next, it is natural for there to be some residual love hanging around, after all, the two of you shared some special times together and were able to get close, the closeness and love is not easily broken completely, does the love that is still there mean that you want to get back the one you love? When you say, I still love my ex, what does that mean to you?

When someone says, I still love my ex, it is a really good sign because, it means that there was some love there to begin with, that love was a gift that is not easily taken away, there will still be a fondness there and there will be a lot to remember from the marriage or relationship, much of it will be good memories, just because there is love still lingering doesn't mean that you are bound to get back together or that it should even happen, you need to be asking yourself, I still love my ex, but do I want my ex back? If you look at it closely and with a chance to step back and ponder it, you will be more able to see if the two of you are meant to be together.

If you have been able to figure out that your statement, I still love my ex, is due to just a remaining fondness then don't feel any need to push it in one direction or another, just go with the flow, what will happen is that the two of you will either drift away or you will remain friends for a long time, that could be something special on it's own and something few have, good friends are hard to find.

If, by saying, I still love my ex, you mean that you want to get back together with them then you have to be willing to do some work, you need to first see if the other person has an interest in getting back together with you, this will happen naturally because, like with the above advice, it will happen naturally, just don't push it one way or the other and you will tell if the feeling is mutual, when the two of you decide that you want to try again, be ready to work.

If this was a marriage that failed, seek marriage counseling, no matter what kind of relationship it was, though, seek relationship advice from someone trained to do so, someone who can help the two of you build back stronger what had fallen apart, obviously there were mistakes made and the two of you were incapable of handling it on your own, if you had been getting counseling before, find someone different to get it from, the two of you will need a fresh start and someone that will help the two of you make the relationship stronger.

How to Win Love Back - Fight Back

If you feel that it is not time for the love to end you can still fight for it, it does not matter if is a failing marriage or relationship, you might want to give a try to win love back, if for some reason the love that was once there is nearly gone, and you are not ready to let it die I am guessing you want to know how to win love back.

If you look at love as a war that is constantly being waged then you will understand how easy it can be to lose battles, things can turn on a dime and while you may have been winning battles left and right you may have seen the tide turn on you, where it looked like you were winning the war it now looks like it might be lost.

If you are not ready to give up and admit defeat then fight for it, if what you are fighting for is worth all the tears that have likely been spilled then by all means try to find some means how to win love back, winning love back is a hard fight but it can be done, the war should only continue to be fought if it is truly worth it, take a step back and look at the situation, make absolutely sure that this is what is best for both of you, if it isn't then it may be best to cut your losses.

When trying to find out how to win love back, you will also want to try and find ways to improve on what you are doing and what you have been doing, any war that is fought, people have to be able to better themselves if they want to win, look at what has happened in the past that you have done, are there things that you could have done differently? Try to find out what those things are, the one you love is not going to want to go back to the way things were if that was not a good situation, change what you can to be the one you love wants.

Also try to get advice and ask relationship advice on how to win a lover back, any fight takes a strategy and if you are lacking there and need help then you need to get relationship advice, get someone to help you find out how to fight this war better and win lover back, also get them to help you find out how to be better lover and a better friend, those are the keys to getting a better relationship, this is what you are going to have to know when you want to know how to win love back.

You do not want to win love back just so you can lose it again.
You want to make sure that what you are trying to bring back together is going to be stronger than ever.
You will have to make sure that you are a better person and well worth the risk.
You have to learn how to fight and what will make you a better love warrior.
Fight for keeps, though, because you want to learn how to win love back for good.

Christian Marriage Counseling Guidance

Christian Marriage Counseling Getting God Inspired Guidance

Christian marriage counseling is used by many couples striving to follow God's will and seek His guidance when the need for marriage counseling has come. When you marriage is struggling it is important for couples to get good advice from marriage counselors. If you are Christians then it very well may be that you need to get marriage counseling from someone coming from the same place.

The problems that you have in your marriage may be an inability to relate to each other for some reason. It could be due to more serious problems such as adultery, pornography, lying, or many other things. Whatever the reason, it is incredibly important that you seek a counselor to help you help the marriage.

The advice that you may get from secular marriage counselors may be good but also may not give you guidance that comes from God's word. There are many counseling choices available to you that can turn to before your marriage ends up in divorce. The best way for many to avoid that has been Christian marriage counseling.

Many churches now have marriage & family counselors on staff and may also have a counseling center. They are able to provide many types of counseling services but are of great help in family therapy and Christian marriage counseling. They will not just try and help you solve problems in your marriage but will be able to help make your marriage stronger and draw you closer to God.

A good Christian marriage counseling program will have a counselor that will draw you and your spouse back together and will help draw you closer to God, together. It will help you get your priorities back in line so that the two of you will be able to focus on things that are more important.

It is really important that you do not hesitate to find help if you are having problems. The longer you wait, the harder it will be to fix the problems. This is no time to be in denial. You need to get things back on track and Christian marriage counseling can help you accomplish that.

The hardest thing that you may have to face is trying to convince the one you love that getting counseling is important. It may be necessary to go and seek advice from a counselor on the best way to get your loved one to go in for counseling.

There is a lot to risk either way. There may be some things uncovered that will be uncomfortable to talk about but facing those issues and addressing them has to be done. You will also have to learn a lot of humility as you may find out that you are the source of some of the problems. You may also find out that there is very little that can be done to save the relationship but still you will have done everything you can to save it.

If your marriage is important to you and you are trying to have a Christian family, then finding a Christian marriage counseling program is of the utmost importance.

Getting My Ex Back

If you are reading this, you know that things can be made to win your ex back, are you trying to figure out how to get back an ex? Breakups are sometimes reparable events which are not the absolute end of things, there are things that you can learn and use to try to get your ex back, but just so you know, it will take work and time, anyways if you are here is for a reason so let's get to the point.

Here are some things to know on how to go about getting love back.

First step, let go of all of the pain and move on, this is a difficult step, but you should instead try and think about the fact that letting go will bring them closer to you, this is not to say that you should shut everything out, you need to experience these feelings in order to move on, but you cannot spend too much time on them, otherwise you will hinder your own progress, tell yourself that moving on is one step on how to go about winning ex back, and it will be easier to do.

Once you have left the feelings behind you, think and try to figure out why it happened, what was the reason of the break up, getting love back involves knowing why you broke up, if there is a problem behind the breakup, then knowing of it will lead to fixing it, once that happens, you can get them one step closer to being back with you.

An important step in the healing process is to extend each other a break, separation is required in order to get back to a point where the two of you can move on and do what is needed to set things right, those who spend time with no contact among each other are most likely to get past the breakup and get back together.

You should also spend the time to call upon the support of those around you, ask others what they think in terms of getting ex back, this can include your parents, siblings, friends and more, not only can these individuals provide support for you as you experience the emotional turmoil of a break up, but they can also act as your calm head, your sensibility, and they can mediate things between you and your ex.

A meet up is the final step in the process of getting back together, you should proceed slowly, first by emails and text messages, keep your tone friendly, for any sign of moving forward too quickly can be detrimental, enter into the meet up with a game plan, so that you do not get hurt, prepare to suck it in and apologize for yourself, and not expect the same, the point is to rekindle the romance, this is the step where you will see if it is possible to get back with your ex.

Following these steps will make for the best chance, but be prepared to accept staying separated.

Surviving Break Up

How to survive a break up

We all know that a breakup is a very difficult thing to deal with, and it is very hard on both parties, you and your ex, there are a great number of hurt emotions and feelings, and the act of surviving break up will involve a great deal of personal strength, this task may seem daunting, especially with a big void in your chest, you cannot easily fill that void with anything, it is that painful and difficult to handle.

What you should consider, however, is that you are not the first couple to break up and you will not be the last, you should take solace in that you and your partner will survive and will be moving forward, when you are faced with the task of trying to surviving a break up, there are a number of tips which will lead you towards surviving a break up.

The first step is to not bottle up the pain, you should know that you will be hurt and that it is okay to break down a little and cry as needed, you should write down stuff, you should scream, you should do whatever is needed to let all of the pain out and move on.

Once you have reached a clear and calm state, you are now ready to evaluate things and try and find out where you and your partner are in the relationship, knowing where you are will allow you and yours to make the right decision, more times than not, you will find that the relationship is truly over, this is something that you and your ex partner needs to come to terms with, once you are at terms with things, you take the next step.

When you have come to the decision not to let the relationship continue, you and your ex needs to remove the overlaps in your lives, this includes property that you two have exchanged and are left at the other's home, this sort of negotiation and separation is to ensure that nothing is left as an emotional landmine later on in your lives, once the two of you have completely separated, then what you should do is to perform a finalizing ritual.

This is a symbolic event which will involve letting an effigy of your ex go, via destroying it or some other task, you could burn one of their letters, their photo, throw away their leftovers, and delete their files off your computer and so on, this symbolic gesture is for your benefit.

At this point, you should use whatever support that is available to you, this can be friends, family, and other loved ones that can provide an emotional support net for you, even though you have done what you can to soften the blow of the break up, you will still face turbulence, as a result you will need all of the help you can get as you are surviving a break up.

Getting Back Together After a Break Up

You may feel like the best way to initiate getting back together after a break up is to call your ex up and beg for their return, this is not the way to go, you might think that the best course of action is to lock yourself in your home and cry until you have run out of tears, this is not it either, if you are serious about getting back together after a break up, there is a better way to go.

Getting back together after a break up is possible if you really want to make it happen, if you love the other person and want to rekindle things, there are some considerations that you need to make, start to think about the relationship you had and you will be reminded of what broke the relationship up in the first place, what will you do to rekindle the old flame? Here are some of the best steps that you can pursue for getting back together after a break up!

First and foremost, getting back together after a break up means accepting that what happened, happened, it may be hard for you to accept that the breakup happened, but you cannot continue the relationship the way it's going, you need to accept that the breakup happened so that you can work on renewing things, getting back together after a break up means ending the original relationship and then starting new rather than trying to rekindle things in the same way they were before.

Secondly, getting back together after a break up does not begin with calling your ex, do not call your ex when you are working on getting back together after a break up, let things cool down, regulate your emotions and work on thinking about what happened that caused the break up, getting back together after a break up is going to mean figuring out what went wrong and rectifying it before you call, work on improving the relationship in your mind, and do not call your ex until things have normalized in your heart and head.

Finally, getting back together after a break up means planning for the right timing, once you are feeling like you are more prepared for getting back together after a break up, you can begin to plan the where and how, by the time you are prepared to rekindle things, you will have a better idea about whether you are still in love with him/her or not, since everything has ended now, don't worry about who is at fault, instead, focus on getting back together with positives in mind, begin with casual conversation, a good friendship, and let things develop from there, if you take things slow and treat them positively, getting back together after a break up is easier than you would imagine.

How to Save a Relationship - Is Saving a Relationship Worth It?

After you have been fighting for a long time to keep your relationship alive, you might ask yourself if saving a relationship like that is really worth it, just so you know every relationship goes through struggles, you might have gone to marriage counseling and sought ways to get the love back, you might have worked only to find that you would again start having intimacy problems of some kind, you might have experienced struggles in your dating life, you might have asked around for dating tips or advice and have been given some good suggestions only to find that the troubles are still there.

The struggles continue but there are some things you should think about to see if saving a relationship like the one you are in is worth the challenge, if you are thinking about getting a divorce or separating, you need to look at these things honestly and maybe get some serious relationship advice, saving a relationship is an important thing to try and accomplish and will take a lot of work.

Write a list of the people you most enjoy spending time with, is your spouse or partner on that list? Do you really enjoy spending time together? When was the last time you went out and just had fun? Is it possible for the two of you to do that? Are you content just being with them? A good relationship between two people is going to be one where they can enjoy being together or can feel content just having the person there.

Another very important thing to consider when you are deciding if this relationship is worth saving is do they make you feel like you are understood, do you listen to your spouse? Do you feel like you are being listened to and that they understand you? Spend some time and try to see if they do.

A relationship is supposed to be a place where you can go when you need comforted, is the relationship one that makes you feel comfort when you have gone through something bad? Is the relationship something that you constantly need comforted about? If you are looking elsewhere for comfort, there may be a problem.

If there are questions about faithfulness or infidelity, they need to be addressed, are you able to trust them? Are they able to trust you? If you have a problem answering either one of those questions affirmatively, then you may either need some serious marriage counseling or couple's therapy.

In saving a relationship, there are many other things to consider and a decision like this should not be taken lightly, ask hard questions and search hard for answers and then you may be able to find if saving a relationship like the one you are in is worth it.

Beat The Depression With a Strong Relationship

With A Strong Relationship Depression Can Be Beat

The only thing worse than going through depression is being in a relationship with someone who is showing signs of relationship depression. It is difficult to watch them go through this dark period of life. Many relationships end because of it because there doesn't seem to be any end to it and it begins to wear on both people in the relationship.

Depression makes people think irrationally and causes them to be blind to the good things in life, like you. They will make you feel like everything you do to try and make their world a little better is a wasted effort. It isn't, though.

The fact that you are there beside them means more to them than you will ever realize. They wouldn't blame you for leaving and will sometimes try and make the decision easier for you. They don't really want you to leave, though. They want you to be with them and help if you can.

The first thing that you can do to help them deal with their depression is to understand it. Educate yourself about this mental disorder. Seek out to find what causes it. It could be because they lost a job or did something that brought on a feeling of failure. There are many reasons that it could have started but one thing is certain, even if you are in a strong relationship, depression, once it has begun can snowball.

You will need to make sure that you take care of yourself in this relationship. Depression, gone unchecked, can be contagious. When you are learning about depression make sure that you are watching for signs that you may be exhibiting. If you are then you should be quick in seeking help from psychologists or counselors. Once both of you start falling into depression it may be impossible for either of you to see the light of day. When you start getting worn down because of the weight of it all try and take some time to step back away from it and take care

A past relationship and depression sometimes go hand in hand. When a relationship has failed it is easy to feel like every relationship after that is doomed to fail. Once someone begins feeling that way they will many times turn their current relationships in to a failed one. If this has begun to happen it is important to get relationship advice from marriage counselors and work with them to prevent it. This is not the only reason that marriages or dating relationships fail while one is in depression. Just the strain will cause it to suffer. Seek relationship advice from trained professionals as much as possible.

Above all, do not give up. Believe that you can help them overcome their depression and believe that the effort you are making matters. There are few things more powerful than what can come from a strong relationship. Depression is a tough foe but it can be beaten when the one you love has you to depend on. With a strong relationship depression can be beat.

How to stop a divorce - Help to stop my divorce

If you are going through a terrible time when you feel like the love is coming to an end, you are not alone, there are many who have gone through it and saved their marriage and plenty who didn't but found themselves happy again afterward.

There are things that you can do to help stop a divorce or correct problems before they get to that point, first realize, though, that as much as you may want to save your relationship you may not be able to, make sure that you prepare yourself mentally for any possible outcome, this is not thinking pessimistically, it is being realistic which is what you need to be.

Make use of family therapy or seek out marriage counselors, they have been well trained and have lots of experience helping people go through these times, even if there is adultery involved, they will be able to help, many marriages have been brought back from the edge because of counseling and therapy, they are accustomed to dealing with infidelity between spouses, depression, or any other things that stress a relationship to the point of divorce, marriage counseling doesn't have to be expensive, there are plenty of good choices for you to use to get good relationship advice before you see a divorce lawyer.

One thing that you can learn not to do that may help stop your divorce before you ever get an attorney involved is don't argue, arguing will only make the situation worse, if you are serious and you want to know how to stop a divorce then realize that your battle is against your separation, not your spouse, the more you argue with them and try to point out where they are wrong the more they will be wrong in your mind.

Don't try to defend yourself, you may be right, but don't try to convince them of that, find the truth in their argument and agree with that, the more you can agree with the things they say, the more they will be right, this will only make them see that you are willing to do what you want them to do, see your side of the story, if you are willing to be honest and accept what they are trying to say then they will more likely be open to listening to your side.

This is only one part of the things that you can do to help yourself when you want someone to help you, quit talking about it and start acting on it, your relationship depends on it, and your marriage will only have a chance to survive if you are willing to act.

Marriage counseling is great at helping you understand how to communicate better if you really want to know how to stop a divorce.

Signs of troubled relationship

Finding things quite confusing.
Feeling like the relationship has run its course.
Not being honest with yourself.
Pretending to be happy.
Afraid over what the next step is going to be.

These signs of a troubled relationship can plague the person and put strain on a possibly damaged relationship, one of the most common feelings is guilt over lying and hiding ones true feelings over the relationship and its status, see, at first there was a great deal of love in the relationship, but now there are a lot of mixed feelings and factors that are contributing to the mixed feelings that one is feeling.

If you have begun to consider your troubled relationship, it is important to brainstorm what sort of things that you want and what you do not want in your relationship, the list can include not wanting to be cheated on, abused, ignored, and so on.

Once you have a list of your wants and desires, you need to go through them and identify those which you truly want and do not want, you need to figure out what sort of situation you are in and whether or not it will continue on its track, observe your partner and try and figure out if they are capable of growth and doing their part to help turn your troubled relationship around, they will need to be able to contribute to the repair of the relationship and move it forward.

If things are really bad, then you need to step back and see things with a clear head, this may simply involve separating temporarily, so that you and your partner can take the time alone to evaluate the situation without distraction, without having to live together and deal with all of the stresses of being together, both of you will have a clearer head which will provide the basis for a true evaluation of the situation.

If you find that you and your significant other are capable of making things work in your troubled relationship, make sure that you and your partner are open and communicative, without communication, it will be more difficult.

A troubled relationship does not necessarily mean that the end is near, what it does mean is that you and your partner need to take the steps to work things out and move the relationship forward, whether that is towards its end or continuation.

Self Help Relationship

Tips For Healing Yourself and Your Relationship

One thing that many people will try to do, is to find out if the reason for your difficulties in your relationships is because of the problems between the two of you, or is it because of problems that originated early on in either your life or the other person's life, it can be exhausting trying to find the original root of the matter but one thing is obvious, you have problems now.

The best thing to do now is to try and fix the relationship that you are in so that you and your spouse or partner can help overcome each other challenges, if your relationship is a strong one, there will be no more need to concentrate on healing yourself because you will have a partner to help you overcome.

One thing that is going to really help is to never allow yourself to be criticized, or at least don't internalize it, also make sure you don't criticize the one you love, there is no such thing as constructive criticism, there is nothing constructive about it, all it does is make one feel less powerful than the other and it is used to manipulate much in the same way an abuser does.

A relationship is not a power struggle and it is not a war, quit treating it like that and there won't be any fights to win or lose, let your partner know what hurts but also let them know what it is you want or need them to do and try to offer the same to them, also discuss what you expect of the other.

Whether you are dating or involved in a marriage there are many things that you can do to help better the situation, once the two of you have worked to repair the relationship and put away any talks of divorce, separation, or breaking up, the two of you can work together to make each other better people.

Relationships Advice Online

If you happen to have problems in your marriage, or in your dating life, you can go online and find lots of relationships advice at anytime, however there are people that give bad advice, harmful dating tips that can leave you single, but you can also find great advice that will help you find the right person for you if you are looking for that special person, or fix your problems if you are in a relationship.

The great thing about seeking out relationships advice online is that is always there anytime, if you are having problems, instead of just wondering how to fix your problems, you can go online and search for some advice, there are experts at giving relationships advice that have written many articles that might as well reflect your situation, if there are questions that you are embarrassed to ask to people you know, you will find that the internet is a great place to ask questions while retaining a level of anonymity.

The great thing about it, is that you can ask for advice in secret, no one has to know who you are, be sure that any time you need it, if you look in the right places you can get good relationship advice online anytime you need it, it is also good to get advice from as many sources as possible, you should be able to talk to close friends and family who know the situation well, but they may be biased, sometimes it is good to get dating tips and marriage advice from an anonymous source to help you get an objective answer to your questions.