Tips to Help Save Your Marriage

Here are 4 good tips to help you saving your marriage. The first tip is to just stop arguing. Every time your partner says something that you want to get grumpy with or correct, just learn to let it go. When one person can learn to let things start rolling off her back, the other one will follow suit.

To help save marriage, you are probably going to have to be the one to learn to let things go. You never know, your partner might be working on the same skills at the same time. But no matter how badly both people want to save the marriage, usually only one person is working on trying to keep the peace.

When your partner thinks that the shirt is blue when it's really an odd green, just think in your head "it's green!" and let it go. It comes down to deciding that you want to help save your marriage and that's more important than always being right about everything, or making sure your partner doesn't make a mistake.

The next thing is to be dating again. Even if you're not actually dating and going out together, you have to approach your relationship as if it's new and you've just started dating. This isn't always easy, especially if you’ve been in a relationship for a long time, but it’s necessary.

We all have a different perspective on our partners when the relationship is new. Everything is fresh and more exciting. After a while that freshness wears off and we start to get bored. Some call it routine and familiarity, but most people call it boring and predictable. If you want to help save marriage, then make sure it isn't as boring and predictable as it has been. Surprise your partner with a special date night (and make sure you can reschedule, just in case they can't go).

The third step is to love your partner in the way he or she wants to be loved. We all have things that make us happiest. Some like to be told that they're loved constantly. Others find small gestures like you offering your gloves to them on a cold day to be the greatest things ever.

Some might think that changing the oil on the car for them is a supreme act of love, while others just want to be told "I love you" so they can feel cherished. The point is, your hours of loving your partner will be twice as effective if you do the things that you know make them happy.

Finally, be physically affectionate. Love and marriage aren't all about sex, but it's still important. If you want to help save marriage, you'll hug and kiss your partner many times throughout the day for no reason at all.

My Boyfriend Dumped Me - How to Get Him Back

First thing that you need to know is that millions of people have been in the same position you are right now. Things do get better, whether you get back together with your boyfriend or not. You probably want to win your boyfriend back.

While there are no guarantees that you'll be able to get back together, there are some things you can do that will help. The first thing is to realize that people get dumped every day for a number of different reasons. And the one you think caused your breakup might not be the real reason. You must stop assuming and stop telling people, "My boyfriend dumped me because of—“, fill in the blank, if you're not exactly sure that's why he dumped you. How do you know for sure why you were dumped? You have to ask, if you really want to know.

Be sure and only ask if you think you can take the truth, though. If asking could cause him to tell you something that you've suspected but have been in denial about, for instance, will it cause you more pain to find out than to not know? Maybe you should just let the past stay there, and work on the future, in that case. But if you need to know (and you might if you really want to work things out) then you'll have to ask. Try not arguing with the answer you get when you ask. Just accept that "my boyfriend dumped me because of 'this," and move on.

The next step is to simply ask if he thinks there's a chance. If the reason he broke up with you is something you believe you can fix, then you should make that clear to him. Let him know you're willing to work on these things because you believe that you have something special and you want to make it work.

It might really be hard to do these things, being dumped hurts. But if you want to get back together and make your relationship work, then there has to be honest communication going on between both of you. The worst thing that can happen is that things aren't going to work out. If that's the case and there's no chance of you getting back together despite any efforts you might put forth, then at least you made the effort and probably learned something about yourself.

Examine the reasons he broke up with you and you might decide that it's not really a bad thing. Even if you know you're better off, it feels crummy to get dumped. Be nice to yourself and remember that this problem is something that many others have had to deal with, and they made things work out, so you can too. Let the magic of making up system help you get your boyfriend back

Ways to Stop a Divorce

What can you do if you don't want a divorce?
Here are some tips you can do to stop it.

Every relationship is different and these tips might not work in every situation, for example some relationships are too far gone. But most relationships start having troubles long before they reach this point, thankfully. When you don't want a divorce but your partner does, try being quiet for a while. Just don't say anything. Stop complaining. The worst thing you can do is to carry on about how you don't want to get divorced.

You can let your partner know that you don't want the divorce. And that's about all you can do. Perhaps you could reassure them that couples go through this kind of thing all the time and are still together today. Just don't do it more than once. If you carry on and carry on about how you want to stay together, you will probably just annoy your partner, making it less likely for him or her to be open to the idea of staying together. The whole point is to make yourself extra desirable to your partner again.

It's very unlikely that he or she will find you particularly desirable when you're complaining and whining about inconsequential things. That tendency to complain and even nag may have had something to do with why the relationship broke up in the first place.

Remember, you want to show your very best side to your partner at all times. When you started dating this person, you were probably on your own very best behavior. Everyone does that to win a mate's heart. Then as things start to stagnate a little because the mate is won and there's no need to compete with others anymore, the tendency to whine and complain begins. Stop this immediately and go back to your very best 'going to win them' courting behavior. That is often such a switch from the way things were in the beginning, that it seems almost too good to be true.

Going hand in hand with taking care not to complain or nag is learning to simply be agreeable. We tend to take our partner for granted and when he or she suggests something we are not happy with, we make it known. If we do that too often it can start to seem to our partner that they can't do or say anything right!

If you don't want a divorce then learn to agree with your partner even when you don't want to. That might sound a little extreme, but you're in rescue mode right now. You just want to do everything you can to save the marriage. It doesn't mean that you will never be able to disagree with them for the rest of your life.

You need to learn to not whine, to agree and to do it all with a smile on your face. If you don't want a divorce you will have to do these things for at least a little while.