What to Do to Get Him Back When He Has Just Broken Up With You

When your ex has just broken up with you, you are likely to feel hurt, and angry at the same time. But if you really want this man in your life, there are a couple of things you can do. The first thing to do is to let him know how you feel. Write him a letter, apologizing for any bad behavior and reminding him of the good times you both spend together. Don't be afraid to tell him how much he means to you and how much you miss him.

Assuming you get a positive response to your letter, agree to meet him but do so in a public place. This will help prevent your discussions turning into a huge argument. You will need to be prepared to tell your man how you feel. Don't hide your feelings. If you are angry tell him why but try not to turn the meeting into a blame fest.

This will not help you in convincing him that you are good together. Keep the conversation to facts and also use the word I and not you. For example you should say "I feel let down" rather than "you let me down". This is a lot less confrontational and less likely to cause offence or lead to another argument.

Allow him to criticize you as well. It is best if this is done in a constructive way. We all have our faults and some of your less attractive character traits may be, in part, to blame for why he broke up with you.

It is very important that you listen to what he says. Don't assume you know what he is trying to say. Encourage him to say what is on his mind as this is the opportunity for you both to work through any issues in your relationship and come out of this as a stronger couple. He may have made the decision to break up, but your behavior probably contributed to his decision.

Do not play games and don't feel that you have to hold something back in order to make him come back to you. This will only cause feelings of resentment which may lead to you splitting up again. Don't look on a breakup as a negative. All couples go through good and bad patches. It is a normal feature of adult relationships.

Follow these tips and one day as a happy couple, you may actually be thankful that you found this to work wonders.

Quotes About Relationships

The Best Relationship Quotes I Know

I love reading relationship quotes and today I thought I would share a couple of my favorite ones with you. Where possible, proper credit has been given to the person who wrote or spoke the original quote. However in some cases that may not have been possible.

You know love funny quotes as I believe humour is a key ingredient in a great relationship. Some of the funny ones I like are:

"What can you say to a man who has just had sex? Anything you like as he is asleep".

Or for those male readers - "what is the difference between a terrorist and a woman with PMS?" "You can negotiate with a terrorist!"

Joking aside, this quote credited to Leo Buscaglia should be in all couple's homes.

"Too often we under estimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around".

As most of us know it is the little things in a relationship that can cause it to fail or blossom. It is easy to blame the other person in our relationship for our dissatisfaction but as Martha Washington said "I have learned from experience that a greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances".

Some relationship quotations are beautiful and sad at the same time. Such as the one from William Somerset Maugham (an English Writer) on unrequited love being "The love that lasts the longest is the love that is never returned".

While I don't think Colin Powell was talking about relationships when he said "None of us can change our yesterdays, but we can all change our tomorrows", it is one that we could all do with remembering. Too often we waste time and energy holding grudges against our partners for something they did in the past. It is too late to change it now so let it go once and for all. So long as it isn't a pattern of repeated behaviour it doesn't do anyone any good to remember it.

"Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much" Helen Keller. This lady was my idol when I was growing up. Despite being born blind and mute she achieved so much more than the rest of us often do. I believe that being part of a couple and then a family gives us the chance to be so much more. We need to appreciate the gifts we have. Our relationships would be a lot happier if we said thank you and I love you just a little more often.

As Mother Theresa is quoted as saying "There is more hunger for love and appreciation in the world today than for bread". Make sure your loved one knows how much you love and appreciate them today, to avoid a day when you wished you had listened to the relationship quotes.

Do You Want Your Ex Back? Helpful Tips

Many relationships go through a bad time at some point in their lives, and most of the best marriages have survived those problems. Relationships are all about give and take. That doesn't necessarily mean that one person gives and the other takes! Men and women are very different and we need to learn to live with one another.

Deciding you want to share your life with someone is a big commitment. The sexual attraction between a couple, especially in the early stages, can often cloud their judgment and it is surprising how many people enter into long term relationships without having agreed the basics. Little things like where you want to live and whether you want to have children are often forgotten in the excitement of being together.

Men and women fall out for all sorts of reasons. At times of financial and family stress, we often pick on those nearest to us. When you care for another person and know them intimately you have the power to really hurt that person. If we ourselves are hurting, we often turn that hurt and anger onto the other person.

It is important to understand why you broke up in the first place. If you ended the relationship because one of you wanted children and the other didn't, then you will find that this probably hasn't changed. You may get back together but in the long run will split up again if this issue is not resolved. Forcing someone into a huge life commitment like having a child against their will does not usually result in a long term happy relationship. If you have very different viewpoints on these life issues, you should stay apart and find someone more compatible to fall in love with.

If, on the other hand, you split up because of jealousy or some other petty incident then your relationship may be worth saving. If you really miss your previous partner and know that you want to share your life with them, then you must do everything in your power to get back with your ex. Contact your partner and let him/her know that you would like to meet up to discuss the future. Do not get involved in a dissection of what went wrong before. It is too easy to put the blame on the other person. Instead agree that there were problems but that you would like to rekindle the relationship.

Getting Back At Your Ex? Why Bother

Couples split up for all sorts of reasons but don't you think that it takes two to tango? Yes, your partner may have had an affair or maybe a drinking problem, but at the end of the day it is usually too simple to lay the blame for the break up at one person's feet. When a relationship ends it should be final unless both of you decide that you wish to get back together. Otherwise, move on. Don't waste your time or energy trying to think of ways to get back at them.

Every man or woman over the age of 21 has been dumped at some point in their lives. If they say they haven't, they are very lucky or they probably might be lying. Breaking up can be extremely painful, you only have to see how many films and songs are written on the subject. Even classic books involve painful relationships.

Life is too short to live it out with a grudge against someone else. The only person that will suffer will be you and those that love you. Your ex will be long gone, do you really think that they give you more than a fleeting thought. They didn't care enough about you to stay together so why would they care now?

There are plenty of lovely people for you to date and perhaps fall in love with. But you will never find a fulfilling new relationship if your life is consumed by hatred for someone else. Being on your own for the first time in a long time can be tough but it can also be liberating. Think positively, you now have the chance to do all the things you wanted to do but your partner wasn't interested in.

Make a list of twenty things you have to be thankful for and read this every night before you fall asleep. Add five things to your list every day and you will soon find yourself enjoying life so much that you won't have time to worry about how to get back at your ex anymore. It will be more like ex who?

Are You The One to Blame For The Break Up? Get An Ex Back The Right Way

If you were the one to blame for the breakup then you should apologize. We should always treat others as we would like to be treated but sometimes we can treat our neighbors better than our partners. Having someone special in our lives can mean that we take them for granted and expect them to put up with our black moods, PMS or other human failings.

So, if you say you sorry mean it. Don't just say it to get your ex back but mean it regardless of what the future holds for you. Arrange a meeting with your ex to discuss what went wrong and see if you do have a future together. You should agree some basic ground rules or else you run the risk of it turning into a blame fest.

The first rule is that both of you should be there because you want to be not because you are being emotionally blackmailed. This is particularly true if you have kids together as one partner can often put pressure on the other to stay together for the sake of the children. Believe me, most kids would prefer to have two different families than to witness two people tearing each other apart.

The second rule should be that you are not getting together to have an argument - if either party gets abusive then the meeting is over. You are there to have a discussion about your relationship and see if you would both like to take it forward. It may be helpful to set a time limit for each person to talk about how they are feeling. When they are talking the other person should be listening.

This is a time for you both to express what you like about each other and what parts of your life together could do with a little work. Perhaps you never get to spend time alone together so an idea may be that you have a date night once a week or a fortnight. This is a night where it is just the two of you and all talk of kids, mortgage, debts etc is banned. This would be your time as a couple to try to relight the forces of attraction that brought you together in the first place.

You will probably find that both of you are finding the same issues difficult. You both probably miss spending quality time together and you may both be under financial and emotional pressure. Sometimes life gets in the way and we often expect our partners to become mind readers and be able to see a problem without us saying anything. We don’t tend to make time in our lives to really talk to our spouse. It is never too late to start.

Now when you are asked how to go get an ex back, you will be able to say that communication and quality time together are the keys to lifelong happiness.

Getting Together With Ex After a Break Up

It will take a commitment from the both of you and a desire to give in and work together to overcome the things that caused the break up or divorce. If, though, it is one sided and you are the only one who is truly interested in getting back together after a break up, then you may be fighting an uphill battle. What is going to make to getting back together after a break up work or not is total commitment from both of you.

Each of you have to be able to concede that you were and are wrong about things. You have to be able to admit that without trying to justify everything. When you try to justify mistakes you made you are essentially making up excuses. Just be able to admit it and move on to correct it. It will likely take both of you working together to overcome your mistakes. It is a partnership that both of you are going to have to be invested in 100% but the commitment level from both of you needs to be totally equal.

It is very easy to think that it is the other person that has to do the work. It is too easy to let one person do the work. If it is just one person who is doing the bulk of the work in this reconciliation effort, it most likely is going to fail. It took two to make the relationship or marriage take place originally. Repairing the relationship is going to take both of you together. You have to struggle together for there to be a life together at all. This is something that you should have known when you first got together and it is something that you have to know for it to work from here on out.

If you are the only one of the two of you who thinks that getting back together after a break up is a good thing, then it is only you who is going to be putting forth the effort. It is sad to say but if it isn't both of you wanting it and working towards it, it may be a fruitless endeavor. This doesn't mean that you shouldn't try, it just means that you will have a monumentally tough time making this work. It is hard enough getting back together after a break up when two of you are working for it. Getting back together after a break up on your own may just take a lot more patience and perseverance.

Again, it will be difficult no matter what. What is going to help with the success of it is making sure that you have a good support system. If you have friends and family who are not only encouraging you but helping you, your chances of success just grows.

Tips To Get Your Ex Wife Back

The trick to get your ex wife back is to let her know that you have changed and that you are, can be, and will be the one that she wants. Wanting to get her back is admitting that you are weak. Admitting that you need her and are incomplete without her. Admitting that you have to have her in order for life to make sense and/or work. Once you make the effort, she is going to be figuring that out on her own.

Just making the effort to get your ex wife back is proof of that. How did she view you prior to the break up? Did you divorce because you were seen as being weak? Hopefully that is not the case. If so, coming back and trying to reconcile after the divorce or break up may be seen as groveling back and may not be something that she wants to see from the man she loves.

If, though, you were seen as being particularly hard headed and self-absorbed then you are essentially saying that you were wrong. This is not a bad thing. When you show that you can admit that you were wrong shows that you are willing to admit that you are human. Being wrong is weak but admitting it and trying to correct it takes immense strength. Letting down your guard and telling her that you were wrong shows that you are serious about wanting to get back together. Even though it’s admitting that you are weak, it is showing that you are strong enough to deal with it.

When you are trying to win your ex wife back, you have to know that you are putting your future in someone else's hands. The results are far from certain. The truth is the damage may already be done and it has reached the point of no return. Does this mean that you shouldn't try? No. It does mean that everything that you do has to be above and beyond any reasonable doubt that she might have. This will mean being honest in not just admitting how wrong you may have been but honest in really trying to change.

If you go back to your ex wife and try to convince her that you have changed and that you are worth the risk, you have to be honest. If you aren't and you are not willing to follow through on your commitment to be better things will only fall apart again. If you are going to go through with the effort to get her back, make sure that the change in you is real.

Should I Get Back With My Ex Girlfriend? (Selfishness)

When you think you cannot live without her and you feel like your life is incomplete you may have a challenge on your hands. If you think you might want to get back with ex girlfriend, you need to make sure it's worth it.

What was the reason for the break up in the first place? If it was your fault then look closely at what it was that you did. Was it due to your selfishness? This is something that might be hard to do. Look at the actions you took. Were they the results of a self-centered person? If so, then what has changed? What makes you so sure that you are done being self-centered? Is this desire to get back with ex girlfriend a result of self-centered thinking?

Before you try to get back with your ex girlfriend, you need to make sure that it is a mutually beneficial relationship or it has very little chance of succeeding. If it is just something to try and fill a void in your life and heart then it may not be the best for them. You may have to live with the consequences of your selfish actions. Don't expect to get taken back with open arms. You just have to know that if it isn't good for both of you, it might not have good or positive results.

If the reason that you broke up has more to do with her selfish actions, then why do you think that she has changed or will change? Look closely at her actions. If there is genuine remorse and a willingness to change, you might have a chance. You need to ask "is she just going to do this again?" If she has a pattern of acting out of selfishness in a way that is harmful to your relationship and to you then you probably don't. If you have significant reason to believe that what she did isn't going to repeat itself then maybe you should get back with ex girlfriend. You have to see that she is done looking out for only her self-interest and is more interested in something that is good for the both of you.

In either situation, whether it was because of your selfishness or hers, or even both, you need to fully believe that the both of you can act in the best interest of each other. You cannot expect this relationship to go far if either one of you is self-absorbed. If you truly believe that you both are done being self-centered and can really be focused on the relationship it may be a good thing to get back together with ex.

Tips to Help Save Your Marriage

Here are 4 good tips to help you saving your marriage. The first tip is to just stop arguing. Every time your partner says something that you want to get grumpy with or correct, just learn to let it go. When one person can learn to let things start rolling off her back, the other one will follow suit.

To help save marriage, you are probably going to have to be the one to learn to let things go. You never know, your partner might be working on the same skills at the same time. But no matter how badly both people want to save the marriage, usually only one person is working on trying to keep the peace.

When your partner thinks that the shirt is blue when it's really an odd green, just think in your head "it's green!" and let it go. It comes down to deciding that you want to help save your marriage and that's more important than always being right about everything, or making sure your partner doesn't make a mistake.

The next thing is to be dating again. Even if you're not actually dating and going out together, you have to approach your relationship as if it's new and you've just started dating. This isn't always easy, especially if you’ve been in a relationship for a long time, but it’s necessary.

We all have a different perspective on our partners when the relationship is new. Everything is fresh and more exciting. After a while that freshness wears off and we start to get bored. Some call it routine and familiarity, but most people call it boring and predictable. If you want to help save marriage, then make sure it isn't as boring and predictable as it has been. Surprise your partner with a special date night (and make sure you can reschedule, just in case they can't go).

The third step is to love your partner in the way he or she wants to be loved. We all have things that make us happiest. Some like to be told that they're loved constantly. Others find small gestures like you offering your gloves to them on a cold day to be the greatest things ever.

Some might think that changing the oil on the car for them is a supreme act of love, while others just want to be told "I love you" so they can feel cherished. The point is, your hours of loving your partner will be twice as effective if you do the things that you know make them happy.

Finally, be physically affectionate. Love and marriage aren't all about sex, but it's still important. If you want to help save marriage, you'll hug and kiss your partner many times throughout the day for no reason at all.

My Boyfriend Dumped Me - How to Get Him Back

First thing that you need to know is that millions of people have been in the same position you are right now. Things do get better, whether you get back together with your boyfriend or not. You probably want to win your boyfriend back.

While there are no guarantees that you'll be able to get back together, there are some things you can do that will help. The first thing is to realize that people get dumped every day for a number of different reasons. And the one you think caused your breakup might not be the real reason. You must stop assuming and stop telling people, "My boyfriend dumped me because of—“, fill in the blank, if you're not exactly sure that's why he dumped you. How do you know for sure why you were dumped? You have to ask, if you really want to know.

Be sure and only ask if you think you can take the truth, though. If asking could cause him to tell you something that you've suspected but have been in denial about, for instance, will it cause you more pain to find out than to not know? Maybe you should just let the past stay there, and work on the future, in that case. But if you need to know (and you might if you really want to work things out) then you'll have to ask. Try not arguing with the answer you get when you ask. Just accept that "my boyfriend dumped me because of 'this," and move on.

The next step is to simply ask if he thinks there's a chance. If the reason he broke up with you is something you believe you can fix, then you should make that clear to him. Let him know you're willing to work on these things because you believe that you have something special and you want to make it work.

It might really be hard to do these things, being dumped hurts. But if you want to get back together and make your relationship work, then there has to be honest communication going on between both of you. The worst thing that can happen is that things aren't going to work out. If that's the case and there's no chance of you getting back together despite any efforts you might put forth, then at least you made the effort and probably learned something about yourself.

Examine the reasons he broke up with you and you might decide that it's not really a bad thing. Even if you know you're better off, it feels crummy to get dumped. Be nice to yourself and remember that this problem is something that many others have had to deal with, and they made things work out, so you can too. Let the magic of making up system help you get your boyfriend back

Ways to Stop a Divorce

What can you do if you don't want a divorce?
Here are some tips you can do to stop it.

Every relationship is different and these tips might not work in every situation, for example some relationships are too far gone. But most relationships start having troubles long before they reach this point, thankfully. When you don't want a divorce but your partner does, try being quiet for a while. Just don't say anything. Stop complaining. The worst thing you can do is to carry on about how you don't want to get divorced.

You can let your partner know that you don't want the divorce. And that's about all you can do. Perhaps you could reassure them that couples go through this kind of thing all the time and are still together today. Just don't do it more than once. If you carry on and carry on about how you want to stay together, you will probably just annoy your partner, making it less likely for him or her to be open to the idea of staying together. The whole point is to make yourself extra desirable to your partner again.

It's very unlikely that he or she will find you particularly desirable when you're complaining and whining about inconsequential things. That tendency to complain and even nag may have had something to do with why the relationship broke up in the first place.

Remember, you want to show your very best side to your partner at all times. When you started dating this person, you were probably on your own very best behavior. Everyone does that to win a mate's heart. Then as things start to stagnate a little because the mate is won and there's no need to compete with others anymore, the tendency to whine and complain begins. Stop this immediately and go back to your very best 'going to win them' courting behavior. That is often such a switch from the way things were in the beginning, that it seems almost too good to be true.

Going hand in hand with taking care not to complain or nag is learning to simply be agreeable. We tend to take our partner for granted and when he or she suggests something we are not happy with, we make it known. If we do that too often it can start to seem to our partner that they can't do or say anything right!

If you don't want a divorce then learn to agree with your partner even when you don't want to. That might sound a little extreme, but you're in rescue mode right now. You just want to do everything you can to save the marriage. It doesn't mean that you will never be able to disagree with them for the rest of your life.

You need to learn to not whine, to agree and to do it all with a smile on your face. If you don't want a divorce you will have to do these things for at least a little while.

Steps to Get Your Ex Back After A Break Up

If you are wondering if it's possible to get your ex back after a break up, the answer to that question is yes, but you need to approach things the right way to have any chance of getting back together after a relationship break up. Before you start the process of fixing a broken relationship, you need to ask yourself this important question: should I fix this relationship?

After a relationship break up, you will understandably feeling lonely and lost. This is not a good reason to try and get back with your ex, because these feelings can lead you to ignore the very real problems that lead to the relationship falling apart to begin with. But if you look at the relationship and realize that your reasons for wanting to get back with your ex are genuine, then it's time to take the right steps to mend the parts of the relationship that are broken.

You need to take a planned and measured approach, though, and not just go charging right in. You wouldn't run on a broken leg, and you need to take the same kind of care in healing after a relationship break up.

Date Someone Else. I know this seems like weird advice when you're trying to get your ex back, but this is a very useful step. The keyword here is date; this is not an invitation to start a full-fledged romance.

Dating other people will serve two purposes. One is that it will show you whether or not you should be trying to get your ex back: if you find you're not thinking about them and are thing about your date, then this is a sign that you may be moving on. The other reason is that it will give you some space to reflection on your relationship and something to compare it to. This will give you the information you will need to do the next step.

Know what went wrong. The cliché is that people that don't k now their history are doomed to repeat it. This is rarely truer than in repairing a broken relationship. If you don't know exactly what went wrong, you won't be able to fix it, so it is very important that you figure out where things went wrong so that you can navigate around the reasons for your relationship break up.

Use a Light Touch. Start slow and don't rush things. Do not, under any circumstances, expect things to immediately revert to the good old days before the relationship break up. You need to look at this as starting all over, and you need to let things progress at their own pace. Nothing will put your ex off faster than you trying to push them too far, too fast.

While this post will certainly start you on the road to winning your ex back after a relationship break up, you may still need more advice and instruction. If this is the case, The Magic Of Making Up System will help you get back to the place where you were happy.

Tips to Repair Your Relationship After Infidelity

Here are some tips that are going to help you restore you relationship after infidelity.

Take Charge. If you want to repair your relationship after infidelity, then you need to take charge. The cheating might not have been your fault, but the responsibility for fixing things is going to have to fall on you. You can't make your partner do something, so you can't just sit back and hope that things will fix themselves. This will also help you to feel better about the relationship. Being cheated on makes you feel like a victim, and taking charge to repair your relationship will give you back the strength and pride that cheating took away.

Don't Play the Blame Game. The human thing is to want to blame the cheater and heap all your emotions on to them. While this may help you feel better, it won't help you rebuild your relationship after infidelity. You need to put away blame and move past it. This can be difficult, but the best thing you can do is not expect an apology and don't fish for one. You'll get one, if the relationship can be saved, but if you spend timing trying to get them to admit how much they hurt you, you won't be spending the time you need to be spending fixing the relationship.

Find the Reasons Why
. Infidelity is a sign that something is broken in your relationship. Even if you manage to get over the cheating and get back together, if you don't fin d out what caused it, then your relationship is going to fail. This will take brutal honesty on both of your parts, and it's important that you try to keep your emotions in check. Your partner's reasons are going to sound like excuses, but if you keep communicating you will eventually be able to find the truth about what needs to be fixed in your relationship.

Learn to Trust Again. In many ways, this is the toughest thing to do after infidelity. The trust has been broken, and it will be hard to get it back, but you need to be able to trust your partner again. No relationship has ever succeeded based on suspicion and paranoia.

There are many resources available to help you recover after infidelity, and you should make use of them. Repairing your relationship is hard enough, no matter what, so take the extra step and get the help you need to make things good again.

What Is Emotional Infidelity?

How to Recognize It

Emotional infidelity is almost always the first step on the road to cheating, and may well be considered cheating its own right. There is far more to a relationship than just have a physical relationship with only one person and one person only. The truly satisfying and meaningful part of a relationship is the bond you share with the other person.

The emotional connection is a deep and integral part of a relationship, which is what makes emotional infidelity so devastating. The true bond in a relationship goes far beyond just physical fidelity; it's a large part of what makes a relationship a relationship. A relationship is about sharing your thoughts, feeling and soul with another.

Emotional infidelity is when your significant other begins to form those same kinds of bonds with another person. This almost always goes along with withdrawing from the original relationship. You go from being your significant other's friend and confidant to being a stranger in your own relationship. This freezing out can be difficult to deal with, and may be hard to see. You may feel that the problem is on your end and that you are the one doing something wrong.

At the same time, it involves the other person forming bonds with another person outside the marriage. One of the terrible things about it is that it can be difficult to define and identify. Because there is nothing as obvious as sleeping with another person going on, saying for certain that it is going on is trickier to prove.

One big sign is a sexual chemistry between the two people, flirting and teasing each other. It may seem innocent because there is nothing physical going on, but emotional infidelity will cause the person to behave differently. This is a key point that you need to keep in mind when you suspect emotional infidelity. Everybody has friends; men have their best buddies, women have their girlfriends. Many people have close friends of the opposite sex, people with whom they confide much of their lives.

This isn't emotional infidelity, and the big thing to look for is signs of guilt. The big sign that someone is becoming involved with someone else on an emotional level is the fact that your significant other feels compelled to hide it. No one hides their relationships with just friends from their significant others. When they're hiding something, it means there is something to hide.

Emotional infidelity is a problem in and of itself, but it tends to be one of the early signs of a relationship going bad. The next step is usually physical infidelity, and this is almost always preceded by emotional infidelity. If you can recognize and do something about emotional infidelity, you may have an easier time than if you catch it at a later stage.

The two big signs are emotional disengagement and secretive behavior. If your significant other is pulling away from you, becoming distance or hostile, this is a big sign. Likewise, if they are acting suspiciously, hiding phone calls and emails, avoiding questions and just generally acting like they have a secret, this is a sign.

You need to catch emotional infidelity in its early stages and fix it. This can be tough to do, but if you suspect emotional infidelity in your relationship, then you need to seek out an advice and instruction on how to fix your relationship.

Steps To Stop Your Divorce And Save Your Marriage

More than half of all marriages today, will end in divorce, and the tragedy is that most of these breakups could have been prevented. You do not have to be a statistic. You can do something about it; you can stop your divorce. I won't say that it is going to be easy, but it is possible. You just have to follow the steps to rebuild what has been broken.

You can't expect to stop your divorce without a plan anymore than you can expect to build a house without blueprints. Fortunately, the help is available and it behooves you to take advantage of it. Your marriage does not have to fail. You can do something.

Find the Problem. You can't stop your divorce if you don't know why your marriage is falling apart. You need to work with your spouse to diagnose what is wrong with the marriage. This is a little harder than it sounds, because what you think might be the reason for the divorce is just a symptom.

Fix the Problem. In many ways, this is the most important step. If you can't fix the problem, then you can't stop your divorce. Some problems can't be fixed, but most can. The reason most marriage ending problems don't get solved is that they are never identified. What you need to do now is work with your spouse to make the compromises that will save your marriage.

Remember the Good Times. You're going to need to remind both your spouse and yourself why you were together to begin with. No matter how bad your marriage has gotten, there was a point when things were good. You should try to get back to that place, but you should always keep in mind that it existed.

Start Over. The last step in your quest to stop your divorce is to begin again. You need to look at your marriage as a brand new marriage. While you should keep in mind the good times, you need to forget the bad times and learn about your spouse all over again. Things have changed, and you need to make your marriage work with the person you are married to, not the person you used to be married to or the person you wish they were. Accept them as they are, and work together to build a better, stronger marriage.

If you follow these steps, you will be able to stop your divorce. If you need more help, then don't be afraid to look for it. There are systems out there like the magic of making up system to help fix what is broken in your relationship, but you need to be willing to use them.

Stages of a Relationship

Understanding Them Makes a Difference

If you understand the different stages of a relationship it can help you understand where you are and what's yet to come.

Of all the stages of a relationship, the first stage is probably the most exciting. This is the romance stage, the beginning. There's dating and getting to know each other, and each of you is on your very best behavior because you want to woo the other person.

This stage is often called the honeymoon period, because everything is fresh and new. Everything the other person does probably seems wonderful. You laugh at his jokes, and don't mind the person's flaws. In fact, you may even find his flaws endearing. Just like anything new, it can be a great deal of fun and seem adventurous.

The next two stages are the make or break stages that many couples never make it through. They account for things like very short relationships and marriages. The second stage is commonly known as the power struggle stage.

This is when the newness starts to wear off, and usually starts somewhere between six months to a year after the relationships starts. It's during this time that things start to get serious. Everything isn't as cute and endearing as it was in the beginning.

Each person in the relationship is trying to get his or her needs met, and they're starting to notice where the other person falls short in doing that. If you're in this stage, take a step back. The things you're finding fault with in the other person are probably flaws that you have also.

If a couple can get through this stage, the relationship has a much better chance of lasting. Unfortunately, many couples try to change each other in the second stage. This leads to break-ups. Honest communication is the key to getting past it. Be understanding, and realize that you have shortcomings, too.

The third of the stages of a relationship is where you realize that you can't change the other person, and you stop trying. If you came to that realization by talking with your partner and being understanding, then congratulations are in order!

This stage for you will be one of learning to be content with what the other has to offer and learning to take care of yourself. If the power struggle ended badly, then this is the stage where you're likely to end the relationship.

The next stage is that of commitment. You realized you couldn't change each other but you still made it work, and you know you want to be together. Now you can move on to a true partnership, which is the last stage.

Many couples bounce from stage 2 to 3 several times before moving on to commitment. By understanding the stages of a relationship, you're at least aware of what’s happening and why.

To Get Your Ex Back You Must Face Up To Your Mistakes

Making mistakes in relationships means you have to fix them and apologize for those mistakes before there can be any making up.

When you decide you want to get back with ex, you must be ready to face not only what has gone wrong with the relationship, but also your part in the break down of the relationship. If you made mistakes then don't beat yourself up for that. We all make them, it's what you do after the mistake that's important.

So sit down on your own and take some time to go through what happened and what were the issues that led up to what happened. Don't concern yourself too much with what you see as your ex's mistakes, leave that for the future. Only concern yourself right now with what you can influence.

Whatever mistakes you find in your past behavior, can they be forgiven? Don't be too eager to get down on yourself and believe that your mistakes are basically unforgivable. You would be surprised at the situations that couples find themselves in and that they later recover from. So don't think that your mistakes are beyond forgiveness. There is always hope!

Try and pin point what was happening in your life at the time that led you to make the mistakes, especially if it was completely out of character for you. Remember what I said about facing hard truths, if you want to get back with ex, then you need to do this.

You might discover that you were under certain stresses and strains. Perhaps you were under threat at your job? Or you weren't physically feeling yourself? Or perhaps there were other family issues. Whatever you find when you look back at what happened, you will eventually need to sit down with your ex and explain in detail just what you have found.

If your mistakes were the result of you just being thoughtless or selfish, then this is something about you and your character that can quite easily be fixed. It will take ongoing monitoring but if you are sincerely committed to get back with ex, then it is going to be worthwhile.

When you have come to the point where you have begun to gain perspective about your mistakes, then call your ex and arrange to meet. It is usually better to arrange a face to face meeting somewhere public and neutral because then there is less chance of either of you becoming emotional.

So, make sure that you stay calm and focused on what you want to say. Apologize and ask for forgiveness and then listen carefully to what your ex has to say.

The Relationships Wife Keep Her Happy

If you're the relationships wife, you know you're not in an easy position. You might feel put upon, as if everything from the home to some of the income is your responsibility. For years men worked while the wife took care of hearth and home. Today's relationships wife is supposed to work and do it all with a smile on her face!

But you can't do it all, and you can't have it all. At least you can't without personal sacrifice and exhaustion. Add saving your relationship and preserving your marriage into the mix, and it's a sure recipe for fatigue and depression.

When things have gone wrong in your relationship, you should remember that you're not solely responsible for fixing them. He plays a part, too, and you should let him do equal duty or at least some of it. Everything that happens, good or bad, is not only because of the relationships wife.

And if you're the husband and the idea of keeping her happy seems daunting, you must remember that you're not solely responsible for her happiness either. You can contribute to it, and it's pretty easy for you to ruin it, but whether or not she's a happy person in general is mainly up to her.

It's important for the relationships wife to understand that men and women have different needs. This is important for the husband to realize, too. When you're trying to heal your marriage, it might be a good idea for both of you to read books that talk about the differences between men and women.

John Gray's books about Mars and Venus are good for pointing out the very different ways men and women feel nurtured in a relationship. They also point out how differently men view emotional things than women, and how each sometimes has an approach that's directly opposite of what the other person may want.

Even if you feel like you share things equally and have a very balanced relationship, you might discover that it's not. The relationships wife will tend to fall into certain roles, just as the husband does. Reading books about these differences can be an eye opening experience.

Even if your spouse isn't interested in reading such books, you should give them a try. It's not easy to heal a relationship when only one person seems to do all the work. But if you make an effort, very often it makes such a difference that the other person can't help but change either.

It can be an unconscious thing, in fact. By learning the best way to approach your spouse about certain issues, or understanding the way he or she naturally deals with things, it makes you a more thoughtful and respectful partner.

That alone is enough to affect the other person's behavior and make things better. You shouldn't have to do everything, but this is one thing you must take upon yourself. Whether you're the relationships wife or the husband, you're capable of helping heal the relationship.

Get Back With Your Ex Even If All Looks Lost

To get back with your ex all it takes is for at least one person wanting to save the relationship and it can be saved.

The first key to figuring out how to get back with your ex is to leave your ex alone for at least a month - if at all possible longer than a month will work even better. So break all contact with them and give your ex plenty of time to think things through.

Often times in the heat of the breakup things get said and positions get taken that given time, are soon relinquished as reasoning takes over. So if you want to get to the heart of how to get back with your ex then seriously, give yourself and your ex some time.

If you don't allow for this space to think and you continue trying to push the issue to get your ex back before the time is right, then what will happen is that the more you push, the harder your ex will push back. Remember, if your ex has walked out on the relationship he or she has clearly demonstrated that they need time to think and be left alone, give them that time.

If you're worried that all looks lost because your ex is dating someone else, then you need to remember and hold onto the fact that a lot of rebound relationships just don't last. Chances are your ex is dating that person as a way to convince themselves that their relationship with you is really over. However, just because they're trying to convince themselves their relationship with you is over for good. Guess what? It doesn't mean that it is.

It is a statistical fact that rebound relationships are fraught with difficulties and very rarely work because the person on the rebound is still emotionally connected to their ex. So don't waste a whole lot of time worrying about someone your ex is currently dating.

The truth is getting your ex back is more about the two of you than anyone else, so make sure that you keep on top of your appearance, you're not doing anything to alienate your ex and that you're appearing in control and pretty soon you will have stopped wondering how to get your ex back, because they'll be back with you.

Scorpio Relationships

Watch That Stinger

Scorpios are wonderful companions, and are fiercely loyal. But when things go wrong, the other person in a Scorpio relationship can end up feeling a bit stung.

Scorpios are take charge kind of people, who like being in charge and controlling the relationship. That doesn't mean you should give in on everything. But it helps if you understand their nature is to automatically try to lead the way in almost every situation.

When you feel the need to take charge, simply express yourself and you'll win your Scorpio's respect and admiration for standing up for yourself. Scorpios appreciate determination and moxie in a partner, because those are things Scorpios have no shortage of.

It may help to understand your partner by knowing that Scorpios relish a challenge. Playing a little hard to get at times might be just the thing. But don't play too hard to get, because if it seems you're truly not interested, your partner will lose interest, too.

It's one thing to win someone over, but to drag them clawing and kicking is another. A Scorpio loves to convince other people that their opinion is right, but by diplomatic means rather than aggressive ones. So keep it interesting by asserting yourself and not giving in, but if you resist too many things too much, the Scorpio relationship might get a little too heated.

Scorpios can be wonderful and generous partners. And sometimes they have very slow tempers that can take a lot. But when this sun sign does finally get angry, watch out! It's not going to be pretty. Even if the Scorpio doesn't actually show his or her temper, they're seething beneath the surface.

Unfortunately for many relationships, people born under this sign can hold a grudge forever. If you mess up, don't expect to be instantly forgiven. In fact, the thing you did wrong might be brought up in every argument for years to come. Some Scorpios are obviously better at forgiveness than others. But if not, it's hard to get them to forget something you did wrong.

Sometimes, Scorpios tend to think you can read their minds. Or more accurately, they think you should be able to read minds. If you've broken up and are back in your Scorpio relationship trying to make it work, you need to remember this tendency.

If your partner is in a huff, angry, short-tempered or otherwise acting poorly, it could be that you haven't figured something out they want you to figure out. This can be a frustrating Scorpio tendency, because even if you ask what's wrong you might get only, “How can you not know?”

The key to making this work is to explain that you really need them to tell you. Why you didn't pick up on the problem doesn't matter, though you should be on the look out for problems, of course. But if they're not willing to tell you what they need, it's very hard to make a Scorpio relationship work.

End a Relationship or Work Things Out

If you really love the person you're with, you might wonder when to end a relationship and why. You might think that just because you love him or her, you should stay and work things out. And very often it is worth a try. Many people give up on their relationships before they've really tried to fix them. Because it's difficult, they throw in the towel instead of working on their problems. This is unfortunate, because many people could probably be happy together if only they weren't afraid to try.

Other people have problem after problem and keep working hard when most people think they should just give up. It's as if these people are gluttons for punishment. Their partner keeps cheating on them and they keep taking them back. Or their partner keeps making other mistakes and letting them down. It seems they don't know when to end a relationship. But usually it's that they're simply afraid of being alone and moving on.

There are obvious situations that should tell you when to end a relationship. If your partner is abusive, it's time to get out, no excuses. If you don't feel safe, even down to feeling like you'll have something to eat and be secure, then you should move on. Other things are less sure. If your partner has cheated, for instance, does that always mean it's time to leave?

Some people can get past one mistake like that. They sometimes end up with a stronger relationship after the affair. But more often they really never get past the betrayal. Even if it never happens again, the one who was cheated on can't let go of the hurt. And the one who cheated will eventually get tired of the suspicion and guilt. If there has been cheating in your relationship, it's not easy to decide if it should end. You should really talk about everything involved. From trust to fear of it happening again, it should all be put on the table in an honest discussion.

How about if you feel like cheating? If you have a really strong desire to be with someone else, should you end it? These types of feelings are natural. You can even have fantasies about other people. But if you're constantly thinking that you'd be better off with someone else, maybe you really would be. If you love your partner and you've tried different ways of working it out, step back. How have you really tried? For how long?

When to end a relationship isn't always easy to see, but if you know you've done everything and it's still not working, it may be time to go.

Magic Secret to Relationships

There are many ways to make your relationship strong and give it the best chance of lasting a lifetime. Most of them are common sense and some are just reminders of when the relationship was new. None of them is really a secret.

Love. It's not enough to love your partner, but you have to show them that you love them often. You should never be in a relationship if you don't feel genuine love for someone, and feel comfortable expressing it.

Respect. If you don't respect the person you're with, there's little hope for the relationship. If you laugh at your partner, feel he or she is often a joke, dumb or worthy of some kind of scorn, then what's the point?

Kindness. Treat your partner with kindness always. A secret to relationships is to be as courteous when you're alone and not feeling thrilled at that moment as you would with a stranger on the street.

Thoughtfulness. Put your partner's needs and desires at the top of your list. Little gestures are often some of the most powerful.

Honesty. Lies can ruin a relationship quickly, even if they're lies about nothing important. Don't do anything deceptive and you'll never have to lie in the first place.

All of those are important to a relationship and may be called the magic secret to relationships. But you really need all of them for a good relationship, and they're things everyone already knows. The hard part can be figuring out how to express some of them.

Honest is pretty easy to show. Simply be open and honest during conversations. Don't be afraid to let your partner see your true self, especially when you feel scared, sad, lonely or vulnerable.

Showing respect and showing kindness can go hand in hand. By treating your partner with respect, you show that you support them. You'll back them up in their ideas and actions because you respect and believe in them.

Even when you don't necessarily feel they're doing the right thing, you can respect their decision and be kind in your words about it. Disagreeing pleasantly is a so-called secret to relationships.

Thoughtfulness and love can be expressed hand in hand, too. Telling your partner that you love him is one way to express love. But maybe he feels more loved when you reach out and rub his shoulders for a minute as you pass. Or you balance the checkbook so he doesn't have to do it.

People perceive love differently. If you can find what your partner perceives as the most loving thing and do that, you're expressing your love perfectly for that person. And you're being thoughtful, too. You're thinking of that person and trying to make them happy.

If you combine these things and apply them, then you've found the secret to relationships that can make your partnership a happy one.

Secret Relationship - Is it Good?

One of the main reasons for having a relationship with someone secretly is because you worry what other people will think. Maybe your parents or friends would not approve of this person. You should really stop and consider why they wouldn't approve before having a secret relationship.

Your family and friends really just want what's best for you in most cases. Now and then there are situations where they just want to impose their will on you. But for the most part, they're looking out for you.

Do they feel the person will hurt you, or doesn't treat you right? Has that person given them reason to think the relationship might not be a good one? If they disapprove on those grounds, you can hardly blame them. In fact, keeping the relationship a secret hints that you might not disagree completely.

It could be that you just don't want to hear their protests. But it also could be that you know they're not entirely wrong. Otherwise, why not have the relationship out in the open and show them how wrong they are?

If they disapprove of the relationship for reasons that are petty or clearly based on their own issues, then you should ask yourself why you're having a secret relationship at all. Things like thinking that your partner doesn't have enough money or class, for instance, would be no reason to hide the relationship.

You may, out of a desire to not have to hear their complaints. But for such a narrow minded reason, you shouldn't worry about keeping their minds at ease. If they don't like your partner's race or even sex, it can be simpler to keep the relationship a secret. But you shouldn't have to unless you really want to.

Why not show them that you're your own person and you're proud of how you feel? By having your relationship out in the open, you're being more true to yourself and your partner. And maybe you'll even change their minds about what being a relationship means.

You might even be surprised to find some friends or family members don't feel the same as the rest. Often, if a family or group of friends is against something, like an interracial relationship, you perceive each person as feeling that way.

But it could be there are a few who didn't want to speak up and be different. Don't be too hard on them for not standing up for you and what they believe in. They probably felt outnumbered and did not want to hear the arguments. And you're in a secret relationship, after all, because you didn't want to have to hear the protests either.

Get Girlfriend Back Even if you have been a Jerk

Here are some tips that might help you getting your girlfriend back.

With no doubt is going to be tough for you, but I'm going to suggest something counter-intuitive: leave her alone! Give her some time to herself. You never know, she might well realize that she misses you and agrees to start up the relationship again all on her own. Don't dismiss this possibility, even if all looks lost right now, equally don't cling to it as a possibility. If it happens it happens, if it doesn't it doesn't!

However, if what you need to get girlfriend back is a much more direct and hands on approach then again, take some time out and use that time to get your head straight. By default, you give her some time to think also and put the whole thing into much needed perspective.

So, find your friends and spend time with them. Make sure you are not pestering her with emails and texts and accidentally trying to bump into her in the places where you know she hangs out. This will only back fire on you and ruin your chances of getting her back, because she'll only become annoyed with you.

If you neglected her, missed her birthday, hardly ever took her out, then you need to seriously look at that behavior. No girl worth her salt is going to put up with such behavior. A girl wants and needs, to be taken out and made a fuss of. She needs to know that you want to be with her for more than the obvious. If you fail to show her that, then she will walk and find a guy who can show her that.

If all that you did was hang around with your friends and ignored her wishes, then again, you're going to have to understand that this is not the way to treat a girl. If you're sure that you want a girlfriend then it's time to fix up, look good and look sharp! Start acting like she's important to you.

To get girlfriend back you now need to show her that you have understood her needs and you are ready and prepared to meet those needs. Don't mess up and try and get her back under false pretenses. It won't work for long and maybe when she leaves the next time, she'll be gone for good.

The Best Spouse Relationships

The best spouse relationships are based on love and respect. That goes without saying, doesn't it? Everyone probably realizes that love and respect are crucial to having a good marriage. But beyond love and respect there are a few things that can help spouse relationships.

Think back to when you were first married. If you're newly married, think back to when you first met and were dating. How did you treat your partner? You probably treated your partner with respect, but also with kindness and thoughtfulness.

Unfortunately, it's common that the longer we know someone, the less kind we tend to be toward them. One would think that the opposite holds true. But we start to take the other person for granted and think they'll always be there, no matter what.

Think of the last time you went to the bank or grocery store and spoke to the cashier. Maybe you exchanged words with a stranger. How was the tone of your voice and your words? You probably sounded like the sweetest person on the planet. That person might have thought “how polite” when you walked away.

Now think to the words and the tone of the voice you use with your spouse sometimes. When you get angry or you're unhappy about something, think about how you sound. Would you ever speak that way to a stranger? If you're thinking “probably not” then you’ve started taking advantage of your spouse.

People do it with close friends, parents and children, too. If we could record people's conversations and play them back at a different time, people might be ashamed of how they sounded. And they probably wouldn't speak that way to someone they didn't know well for fear of hurting their feelings!

Good spouse relationships are kind ones. Everyone gets angry now and then. And yes, everyone says things he or she regrets in an angry and even hateful tone of voice. But you can keep these instances to a minimum by just thinking about whether you'd talk to your postman or your boss that way.

Thoughtfulness is also an important factor in good spouse relationships. People love their spouses, but it seems the longer they're together, they less they sometimes show it. Your spouse is one person you should make a point of being thoughtful toward, too.

In the beginning when you're first dating someone or first married, you might send (or receive) flowers, cards and little surprises. Generally after people are married for a while, these sorts of things slow down or stop. Remembering to be thoughtful and surprise your spouse can help makes yours one of the better spouse relationships.

Try to keep in mind that marriage isn't written in stone. There really are other opportunities out there for your spouse. Bring back some of the things you did and said when you were trying to win this person. Be kind and thoughtful as much as you can. Those combined with love and respect will make yours one of the enduring spouse relationships.

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Is Pat Benatar right?
Does love have to be a battlefield?

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Right Relationship

Are You in the Right Relationship?

There's no foolproof way to determine if this person is the right one for you. The only thing you can figure out if you're in the right relationship at the time. Things can change, but for right now you can look around and see if this is the right place to be. You have to ask yourself several questions to figure out if this relationship is right for you today. Start with, are you happy? You won't be skipping and picking flowers every second, of course, but in general you should feel happy to be with that person.

You may have a doubt now and then or a bad feeling, but if your feelings toward the person and the relationship are mostly positive, then you could be in a great relationship. Don't let the odd doubt or strange feeling make you wonder if you've made a mistake. When you do feel doubt or feel sad, why do you? Is it because you're wondering about a specific other person and thinking that you might be with them instead? Or are they just general thoughts about the possibilities you might be missing if you weren't in this relationship?

Everyone thinks things like that from time to time. But if you're preoccupied by “what ifs” and “if only” thoughts, you might not be in the right relationship after all.

Do you feel safe in the relationship? This applies to feeling physically safe, as in your partner would never hit or abuse you. And it also applies to feeling emotionally safe. You feel that they would not want to hurt you for the world.

Do you feel safe from the threat of a break up? Or do you worry about your partner cheating often? If you spend a lot of your time in the relationship wondering if the other person is capable of cheating, then you might not be with the right person. If you think the person is cheating, then you're spending a lot of time being suspicious and questioning his or her motives. That's no way to spend your days. You need to figure out if your doubts are reasonable.

Would that person actually cheat or do you think those things from your own insecurities? If you really don't trust the other person, you shouldn't be in a relationship with them. That will only serve to make you miserable and suspicious, and can end badly for both of you.

Do you feel special? If you feel like you're constantly fighting for the other person's attention and affection, you might look for someone else. You should feel like the person most important to them if you're in the right relationship.

Signs of Cheating

Signs of a cheating spouse, signs of a cheating partner.

The following signs can certainly lead you one direction or another. Don't make a decision just based on one or even a few of them. But a lot of evidence can certainly let you know that something may be wrong, and you may want to look at little closer.

Secret cell phone conversations are one of the top signs. If your partner leaves the room every time the cell phone rings, you have to wonder why. Were they taught that's polite? If they're at all strange acting about the conversation, you should pay attention.

Sudden change in hygiene is common when someone is having an affair. If your partner never goes to any special trouble for you to make sure he or she looks and smells good, a change in this could be worrisome. If they're making themselves nice for you, that's great. If they are dolling up to go out, you have to wonder why.

More arguments can be one of the signs of cheating in a relationship. Particularly if it seems your partner is starting the argument for no reason and then storming out because of it. It could be just an excuse to leave and have some time away from you without having to come up with another excuse.

Catching your partner in a lie can mean trouble. Even the smallest lie shows that person's willingness to lie in general. Look for connections between that lie and the possibility of an affair.

An increase in computer time can be a bad sign. If your partner is spending hours online after you're in bed or while you're doing other things, it could be an affair.

A common sign of cheating is if your friends act strange. They might know something you don't and feel uncomfortable around you.

And a painfully common sign of cheating is if your partner accuses you of cheating or hints that he thinks you might be having an affair. Very often, that's a guilty conscious talking and you're being accused of the thing that's causing him or her guilt.

The only way to know for sure is to have real evidence. So remember that even though these are common signs of cheating, none of them can be used to prove an affair is occurring. Remember that just because you see signs of cheating in a relationship, that doesn't necessarily mean that cheating is going on. Once you've seen the signs, you'll have to look further to determine if cheating is really happening.

Get Lover Back Even If You Made Mistakes

It is very well documented that most of the relationships that break up could very easily be put back together again, if only one of those involved actually tried. So please try!

There are some basic steps that you can take when you're looking into how to get lover back, you simply have to make sure that you get the details of these steps correct and that you spend a sufficient amount of time going through each step. How much time, varies from situation to situation and the real truth is that only you can judge the time that you think you might need.

If the relationship was a tumultuous up and down messy emotional one, then it is going to need a longer time to get over the initial mess of the break up. Longer than if your relationship was stable and less exacting. So be honest with yourself and be clear about what kind of relationship you had with your ex, because the truth right here will go a long way to helping you figure out how to get lover back.

A clue is that most people need at least a month on their own without contact with their ex to start the healing process. Don't try and bypass this alone time because without it most attempts at how to get lover back fail.

You are going to spend your alone time looking at the mistakes that you might have made and you are going to forgive yourself for those mistakes. If you try and get back with your ex and you have not forgive yourself, then how is it possible for your ex to fully forgive you. So be kind to yourself, accept your fallibility and forgive yourself.

That doesn't mean that you just draw a line under any mistakes that you may have made and forget about them. It means that you should then go on to figuring out how you can avoid such mistakes in the future, if the same or similar situations arise. Because you really do not want to get into a cycle of the same old things that keep on happening.

Once you're confident that you have the emotions and the reasons behind your mistakes sorted out, you are then ready to go ahead and actually make contact with your ex and ask to talk to them.

Relationships and Cheating

How to Get Over It

Cheating hurts. It hurts the person who's being cheated on, and believe it or not, it hurts the cheater. The cheater has to hide what he's doing, probably has to lie to keep it a secret and has to feel the guilt that goes with it. Even if he or she doesn't seem guilty, they probably secret feel guilty. When there are relationships and cheating occurs, that doesn't mean the end of the relationship every time.

You've been in a relationship and you have been cheated on, and you've gotten back together or you have never broken up. Can you really make it work now that the other person has cheated? How do you get over it? Will he cheat again? It's not easy to save these relationships, and cheating is something that can sometimes happen more than once. But if you can truly rebuild your trust in the other person, then you can stay together and be happy.

Do you know why the person cheated on you? That's a very important consideration in whether you'll be able to trust them not to cheat on you again. Were things not good in your relationship at the time, or was it just convenient and just “happened?” You should be able to have a calm discussion about these reasons. If the reasons turn out to be things like he or she was simply bored that day and the opportunity came along, then you may have problems. If the other person can give no better reasons for hurting you that way, you may want to consider whether you really can forgive them to be happy. It won't be easy.

If you were having problems, then at least the other person may have thought that the relationship was going to end anyway. They might have felt ignored or undervalued. This is not to give them a good excuse for cheating—they were wrong. But it can help you to understand what they were thinking at the time and you can work on the problems together.

Relationships and cheating are a curious mixture, with some couples able to move on quite well after the devastation of an affair. Sometimes, though, the person who was cheating on can't get over it. To stay in the relationship when there's no trust there, and he or she fears that the other will cheat at any time, can be a miserable thing to do.

The constant suspicions can make you miserable, and can make the other person feel under a microscope 24/7. You have to decide to trust the person not to hurt you again, and let go of the fear even though it can be very hard to do in relationships and cheating situations.

Do You Need Space In A Relationship?

Some people do better when they are together constantly, and others crave more of their own space in a relationship, so how much space in a relationship is necessary? The answer depends a lot on the type of relationship it is, and each person in it, the hard part is finding a happy medium that both people are comfortable with, this is made more difficult when you each have very different ideas about togetherness and space, but as long as you can compromise on the level of space in a relationship that you both need, then you can work through this challenge.

Some people don't like to be alone. They are much happier spending all their time with coworkers, friends, family and their partner. When they are alone and doing things on their own they feel a little lost and lonely. Other people cherish their alone time. Without a little solitude every day they feel burdened and have a hard time relaxing. They feel that they always have to be “up” or “on” for other people when they're around them, and it can be exhausting.

Those are two extremes, of course. There are also a lot of people who fall somewhere in the middle. They love the time they spend with their partner, but they also want some me-time to balance it out and recharge. If both of you fall into that happy medium, then defining your space in a relationship should be pretty easy. And if you each fall into the same extreme group, where you both need lots of space or you both dislike being alone, things are made easier, too.

The problems come when one has a very different idea than the other. If you love your solitude and your partner hates being alone, you really need to talk and set some boundaries. Each need to understand the other's point of view so you can come up with a compromise that makes you both feel your needs are met. If you love being alone each day for a while and your partner craves company 24/7, here's the problem. When you say you need space in a relationship and go off on your own, your partner will feel neglected as if you don't want to be around because of them.

And if you hate being alone and your partner really wants some me-time, then by hanging around constantly you can start to make your partner feel smothered. Your partner might also think that there's no trust there, and you won't give him or her private time because you're afraid of what he or she might do when you’re not around.

You can see how both of these situations could quickly cause problems in a relationship. But if you talk to each other honestly and openly about how you feel, then when you need time your partner will understand why. And when he or she hangs around when you'd rather be alone, you recognize that he or she doesn't need the same kind of space in a relationship that you do.

Great Lessons From Relationships Experts

The best relationships experts just know how to communicate. They can take those common sense things and say them in a way that makes you “get it.” Like the concept of what to expect and what to give in a relationship. This is one of the best lessons you can get from relationships experts.

Very often we go along in a relationship and as time goes on we start to take the other person for granted a little bit. We don't thank them as much, and sometimes we don't do nice things in return for them quite as much. It's not that we don't want to, but that we simply forget or think there will be time later. After the relationship hit a rocky period and ended and you've gotten back together, remember to be thoughtful and kind becomes very important. Relationships experts stress that as a good way to keep a relationship strong.

A second great lesson from the experts is to do what the other person will appreciate. This is another great common sense lesson that's all too easy to overlook. It applies to anytime during a relationship but after you've gotten back together from a break up or other bad patch it's even more important.

To do what the other person wants doesn't mean you should never consider yourself. But you should try to do what appeals to them to show them that you care. If it really makes you happy when your boyfriend helps you wash the dishes, then maybe if you helped him with some housework that would make him feel loved, too.

But there may be ways he likes to feel loved that are different. He might be the type of person who likes to hear you say it often, or likes romantic gestures. Even if those things aren't as important to you, you need to do the things that are special to him. Sometimes we forget that, or we just assume that everyone responds to the same things. But doing what makes the other person feel most special is easy to do, as long as we remind ourselves to do it.

And a lesson that the experts teach that often goes forgotten is respect. Of course, you respect your boyfriend or girlfriend, but does it always show? This is part of taking them for granted but goes beyond not thanking them or returning loving gestures.

Often, the person we're closest to gets the brunt our worst days. We might be late for something and keep them waiting, or we might just accidentally be inconsiderate and not apologize enough. Take a lesson from the relationships experts and ask yourself if you treat your partner with the same respect you would treat a parent or co-worker.

Win Love Back - Use Your Head

If you are desperate to get your ex back and if you're serious about finding a way to win back love, then it means you're going to have to start using your head and stop following your heart! It really is that simple.

So let's look at this! Your heart is no doubt telling you to drop everything, chase down your ex and make them listen to what you have to say, whether they want to or not. You heart has convinced you that all your ex has to do is to hear and understand just how much you miss, love and want them back and your ex will forget about everything that went wrong take you back on the spot! Wrong!

To win back love your head would never tell you to do any of that, instead your head would say back off, get a grip and take your time. Guess which one you should be listening to! Yep, your head! So, leave your ex alone, don't call them, don't try to accidentally bump into them wherever you know they hang out and don't send them love notes – in short make no attempt whatsoever to contact them.

By contacting them, you're making yourself appear desperate, a pain in the butt and someone that no right minded person would even want to be around never mind consider dating again. Like a diamond that increases in value the rarer it is, where your ex is concerned, aim to be rare! Let your ex wonder where you are and why they haven't heard from you and just like that they will want to hear from you and see you.

If you're stuck with a problem and the first person you would usually call is your ex, then you're going to have to figure out how to solve that problem yourself. Not only does this enhance your standing with your ex, because they realize that you can cope on your own, but it also enhances your own standing in your own head. If you figure out how to cook that favorite meal that your ex used to cook for you – you realize you can cope! If you figure out how to change the oil in your car – again you realize that you can cope!

The art to win back love is based in rationale and calmness. Only then will your ex give you the time of day. Whatever fire is burning in your heart for your ex, allowing it to run riot and influence you unduly will only be to your detriment. Calm the flames of your passion and instead use the logical! That is what will ultimately help you to win back love.

How to Win Back Lost Love Tips

If you want to get back with someone who you're still in love with, you need to understand how to do it successfully, because of that I am going to give you some tips in this post.

Once your ex has left the relationship and you know you want them back, it's time to start sorting out your head in order to get them back. No doubt there has been drama and emotional turmoil in the run up to the breakup and during the actual breakup. If you're going to win back lost love you're going to need to sort yourself out and do so on your own.

It is vital that you do not involve your ex as you attempt to clear your mind, because you need space and distance from your ex and your ex from you. So, if you are still in any form of contact with your ex then break off that contact now. Contact will only make you vulnerable. If you're vulnerable then you become someone whose ability to make rational and calm decisions becomes impaired. Get out from under your ex and stand on your own two feet until you can honestly say that you are through the worst of the initial breakup.

Equally, do your best to avoid spending too much time on your own. Because as much as you need to be away from your ex, you also need to have people around you. Spending too much time on your own brings a real risk of you becoming depressed and low. You might also find that if you're on your own too much, then you can struggle with the temptation to call or try to see your ex. So find your friends. If you need to make new friends, then do so. Do anything to avoid being home alone night after night.

To win back lost love make sure that you are clear about the mistakes that were made in the relationship by you. Yes your ex no doubt made their fair share of mistakes, but for now your concern is your own behavior since that is the only thing you can realistically control and affect.

Come to terms with your weaknesses and make sure that if you need to do some work on yourself that you put in place the right mechanisms to do so. That may involve discussing your situation with a professional or it might mean changing the way that you cope with certain situations.

Whatever you need to do to win back lost love, if you are serious, then you need to get on and do it before it's too late.

The Wife Led Relationship

Is It for You?

There are different degrees to a wife led relationship. Many men are content and even thrilled to let the wife take complete control of the relationship. This goes beyond letting her make the decisions, into dominant and submissive behavior. Some men simply allow the wife to make the major decisions and set the tone, without being truly submissive.

To what degree your marriage becomes a wife led relationship is based mostly on both your preferences. Maybe you feel better when she makes the decisions and handles the checkbook. Remember that though you're allowing her to have that control, it can be a burden too. Especially if she's not comfortable with those tasks.

Rather than feeling like she's lucky to have control, she might feel that you’re pushing off unpleasant decisions and jobs onto her. Be sure to balance it by taking over things that she doesn't like to do. This type of marriage is wife led in the sense that she has the major amount of control.

But a popular fantasy for many men is to have a truly wife led relationship. They become quite submissive to the wife in everything. They do the chores and anything she tells them. And serving their wives in this way pleases them a great deal.

The submissiveness even carries over their sex lives. In fact, that's the big appeal for many men in having this type of relationship. They secretly want to be dominated sexually, and the rest just adds to that appeal.

In a true wife led relationship, the man knows that she has authority over him. He does the chores and tries to anticipate her every need. She doesn't thank him, but may tell him he's doing a good job.

When it comes to sex, the man is only allowed as much pleasure as the woman feels like letting him have. And not allowing him to have an orgasm, or delaying it, is something these men find enjoyable.

A relationship of this type isn’t for everyone, but many men feel happiest when their wives have control. And while it might sound like the woman has it made in a wife led relationship, it's not always easy for her either.

If a woman has been raised believing in the typical roles of husband and wife, suddenly being asked to take charge of everything can be daunting. Granted, the housework and other chores will probably be done by the man. But the handling of the big decisions, finances and other things might be a new experience.

Some women may not enjoy it, at least not all the time. But if the man really wants that, a compromise could work where certain days or periods of time are spent with the wife taking charge.

If you would like this kind of relationship but don't know how to ask your wife, you may want to write your feelings down. Or you could start behaving as if you’re in a wife-led relationship and then bring it up by asking her if she likes your behavior.

How to Go About Getting Ex Boyfriend Back

The honest truth is that if you fail to hold onto to your composure and your dignity, then any chance of getting your ex boyfriend back will probably be lost, if you have an ex boyfriend to get back, here is what you need to do, stop acting like a pouting princess and instead start behaving like a responsible and mature young woman who knows her own mind and is capable of making tough decisions.

Now, discovering that you have an ex boyfriend to get back means you're really going to need to look at whatever it was that caused the split between the two of you in the first place. If you dumped him on a whim because of something that he did and you have now put what happened into perspective, then without a doubt, you're going to have to do some apologizing and back peddling.

So take a deep breath, stay calm and go and see him. Tell him that you have had time to think and you're now ready to forgive and forget. Not only that, you would also like to apologize for any over reaction on your part. With any luck that will be the end of the rift and you will have succeeded in getting him back. However, if there is more to it or he doesn't accept your apology and you find you still have an ex boyfriend to get back, then you're going to have to do some more work.

Look at yourself! If you find yourself constantly in turmoil with your love life, then take a long hard look at what might be causing the problem. If you have issues about your own behavior that has caused comments from others or that you're not happy with, then face them. Truth is, if you are going to make a success of this relationship or any future relationship, then you have to take the long hard walk and sort yourself out.

Here are some clues! Avoid making decisions when you're emotional. You will probably make a ton of wrong decisions if you are not calm and have not thought through outcomes and consequences. Especially true, if you have an ex boyfriend to get back, because emotions and gestures are definitely the wrong approach to take to a love life in turmoil.

So, think clearly and take your time about your approach to win him back. Present him with valid and tangible reasons why this time around the relationship will be different and so stand a chance of working. At all costs, dump the pouting princess and reveal to him a grown up and capable young woman he can have some fun with.

Want to Get Back Together With Your Ex?

There may have been a point where you thought that things were going alright and everything was under control, but obviously it wasn't, would you want to try it again? What makes you think that it is going to be any different this time than the last time?

I am pretty sure that something went wrong and either you were too late in reacting to correct the situation or you were just blind to the problems. Was it something that you did that caused it to fall apart or was it something both of you did? What was it that you could have done to change things? Did you know that things needed to be addressed but you never got around to it? These are only some of the questions you need to be asking if you want to get back together with ex and are sure you want to try it again.

There is a quote that many people throw around that many people attribute to Albert Einstein. “Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results .” There is a lot of truth to this, especially when there is a marriage or relationship that is needing to be rebuilt and they want to get back together with ex.

Many people will go into a reconciliation effort but will go in pretending that nothing happened. They will go in and try to pick up where they left off but that is exactly what they end up doing. If the marriage ended because of some problem that one or the both of you didn't address then it will probably end the same way.

Whatever problems you had prior to breaking up, you better work to get them fixed before you work to get back together with your ex. If there was something that you had a problem with then fix it. Get counseling or therapy if you need to but, no matter what, address your own situations first.

If it is the other person in the relationship who had some issues that caused the relationship to end. Make sure that they have taken credible steps to fix the issues. When you are wanting to get back together and they haven't done anything to fix things on their end then you will be dealing with it all over again.

If the two of you had issues together that tore you apart, get some relationship counseling to try and work things out and get back together with ex. Don't try to jump back into things when you will likely only be trying to jump back out again. Don't try getting back together if you are going to run into the same problems again.

Why is it that you are trying to get back together with your ex? If it is because you really love each other and you want to be together forever, then try to get things fixed before you start messing things up again. If you don't address situations that tore you apart the first time it is likely that you are just going to be causing a cycle of pain and your broken heart.

If you think that you want to get back together with ex, save yourself from future heartbreak and fix the issues before they end your relationship forever.

I Still Love My Ex – Can I Get My Ex Back?

If you find yourself saying, I'm still in love with my ex, you aren't alone. There are many who find themselves at the end of a long term romance or marriage still clinging to hope that they might bring it back. Just because it seems like things are darkest and that there is no hope doesn't mean that there isn't any. There is still a chance that what you had can come back even stronger. When you are saying I'm still in love with my ex and you want to get that love back it is going to have to come back stronger if it is going to last.

For those of you saying, “I'm still in love with my ex” you may have a desire to turn back the clock and bring back what was lost. Be careful what you ask for, you might just get it and have the same results.

Look carefully at the mistakes that were made in the past and find out not only why they were made, but why they were able to have the impact on your relationship they did. You need to be able to make a stronger foundation than you had before. You are going to have to try and start from ground zero. To get back together with the one you love, you are going to have to try and start all over again. Just find a way to do it better. Tell yourself, "I'm still in love with my ex, but I want it to be better than before."

Try re-establishing a friendship. Take it slow. If your ex feels like you are trying to make things like they were, they may be resistant to it. Don't push things, just let things take their course. If the two of you are supposed to be together, it will happen. Just let it happen naturally.

Think positively about it. Don't let your ex see you crying or depressed about it. You want to try and make it look like you are a joy to come back to. If your ex sees that you are walking around depressed, they may decide that they don't want to have that in their lives. If they see that for your life has gone on and you are happy they may want to join you in your happiness.

Try to think of what type of person you would like to be with. Do you think that they would want to be with that type of person as well? People want to be with happy people who can brighten their day and make them smile. People want to be with someone who makes them feel that they have a purpose and that they aren't alone. Try to be someone that makes someone feel like that. Make your ex feel special by just being an encouraging friend.

If you make yourself valuable to your ex and are able to make them feel valuable you may have a chance to bring back lost love. You may also be making a foundation that will last forever. It is a good thing to say “I'm still in love with my ex.” It is an even better thing to try and make the foundation of that love stronger.

How You Can Save Marriage

By Creating Intimacy

When your marriage hits rocky waters you must firmly believe that you can save marriage in order to save the marriage. If you don't believe that as fact, then there is nothing you do that will make a blind bit of difference. So right now, believe that it is possible for you to save the marriage.

A common missing ingredient for marriages in trouble is a lack of intimacy. For a marriage to be happy there must be a level of intimacy that goes beyond the physical and wholeheartedly embraces the emotional. Ask yourself this, “does my marriage suffer from a lack of intimacy?”

Are you open and transparent with your spouse? Do you share and include or do you exclude and keep your emotions and emotional needs locked away and try and deal with things on your own? If you exclude your spouse emotionally, then your marriage lacks intimacy and it's time to inject some and get on the road to save marriage.

Make sure that you're making every attempt to share your problems and worries with your spouse. Too often people find themselves worried and preoccupied with a situation. Instead of sharing this situation with their spouse, they decide to try and deal with it on their own. This is a big mistake because it excludes your spouse when you should be including them.

Remember, spouses can very easily sense when something is wrong and if you exclude them, they quickly begin to feel shut out and redundant and that's when hurt can quickly find its way into a marriage.

Another way to inject intimacy into your marriage so that you can save marriage is to make time for your marriage. In this day and age when a thousand and one things can encroach on your time, not making time for your marriage is a surefire way for a marriage to hit trouble. It's no fun discovering that when you were busy carving out a career or focusing your time on attending to the kids, that your marriage just shriveled up and died.

Make sure that if you want to save marriage that you're actively making time for your spouse and your marriage. Once in a while take an impromptu afternoon off and have some fun with your spouse. When your spouse realizes that you value them to the extent of changing your schedule to include them, you will begin to see an improved difference in your marriage.

Creating and fostering intimacy in your marriage so that you can save marriage will take time and is an ongoing process. Don't ever make the mistake of allowing your marriage to be left set on auto-pilot. A healthy and intimate marriage is one that is attended to regularly, only then will it thrive.